If I were a cat, this is where I’d live!

Pete Cohen’s Goleta house is not only artfully designed and technically smart but it’s about as close a cat can get to Heaven without forfeiting a life. Houzz’s reporter Mitchell Parker shares Cohen’s plan, budget and pictures in his recent post. Here’s the link:http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/23029316?utm_source=Houzz&utm_campaign=u436&utm_medium=email&utm_content=gallery0


Escape Destinations in California!

shutterstock welcome sign garden BLOG Something Old: Century Old California Bed and Breakfasts

Bed and Breakfast’s in California…..as is my practice in the morning I am perusing the days publications that I review and I came across this blog about B & B’s in California that California Home has suggested in celebration of Valentines Day. Feeling the need to reminisce, I’ve added my list. Now not all of my suggestions are B & B’s but they are escape destinations!

Bardessono, Yountville

Auberge du Soleil, Napa Valley

Old Monterey Inn, Monterey

Bernardus Lodge & Spa, Carmel Valley

Channel Road Inn in the canyon between Santa Monica & Pacific Palisades

Shore House, Lake Tahoe

Aviarra, Carlsbad

L’Auberge Del Mar, Del Mar


What’s the Housing Market doing?

1500losmontes Bi Weekly Market Watch: Record Year for Luxury Home Sales in the Bay Area

Well, anyone in the housing market today doesn’t need to be told, it’s brutal if you are a buyer competing for the purchase of a home. The process can be just as overwhelming however for the seller, sifting through 20 offers, trying to choose just the right one with the minimal amount of risk.

California homes sales of over $1M or more rose to the highest level in six years.  Lack of inventory contributed to higher housing sale prices that have risen on average between 20% and 30% over the past year. So how do you compete as a buyer in this marketplace?

As reported by Data Quick, a San Diego Company that  monitors real estate activity nationwide, a record number of CA homes were purchased for cash in 2013. Last year over 10,000 homes that sold for over $1M were purchased in this fashion, which is a 20% increase from 2012. In multiple offer situations, cash is the preferred medium of exchange. For the seller, a cash offer with no contingencies is almost a closed deal which is very reassuring.

Not everyone has cash of course, so how do you have a competitive edge when you require a loan? Of the properties that did sell with financing their median down payment was 30%. The higher down-payment, lowers the banks liability, which is of paramount importance to a lender when considering a loan on a property that has just gone into contract at a higher price than the comparables. Remember real estate markets fluctuate, lenders remember this. But with foreclosures down to a 8 year low due to increase housing valuation we get a little short sighted and forget there can be an economic downturn.

January sales prices are up 25 % higher than last year due to a lack of inventory and hungry buyers. This makes it a challenging marketplace for everyone. Now I don’t have a crystal ball but some buyers may decide to wait the market out so they don’t have to get caught up in the multiple offer, overbidding war.   When there are no longer as many buyers, housing prices will start to drop. As we approach Spring sellers will begin to make the move to put their properties on the market boosting our supply. Hopefully with these two factors working together we will see some price stabilization.  Historically January is always slow because sellers want to wait for the daffodils in Spring but after the first of the year the buyers are ready to go!

Flowers for my friends!

David Brown Flowers

Flowers by David Brown

Click on the link below and enjoy all 16 beautiful floral arrangements that Architectural Digest compiled from the best flower shops in the country… just in time for Valentine’s Day. The best thing about these pictures is that you can enjoy them and they will never wilt!


11 Kitchen Facelifts

I love the combination of farmhouse chic with the formal chandeliers in this kitchen.  Judith Taylor, Houzz contributor, offers 11 updating ideas from inexpensive incidentals that change the feel of a kitchen to resurfacing cabinets and changing out counter-tops.  All of her suggestions are terrific and offer a variety of price point updates. Houzz also has architects, contractors, suppliers and fixtures available on their site for your research. I’ve included the link below to her article which features examples of all 11 of her suggestions.


Valentines Day at home!


Now I admit this particular table setting might be a bit formal… but Valentines Day is supposed to be a bit special for those we love. The reds and the pales greens of this table are  just visually wonderful. The other table shots from House Beautiful are equally as colorful just not as formal. I happen to love the lavender setting “Pastels Aren’t Cliche” and the “Go Vibrant” setting. We’ve always included our kids on Valentines Day,  after all they are our loves as well. So it’s nice to see examples of a large table set for that special evening. Nowadays our grown children don’t always want to spend that date with us…but maybe some day in the future! I’ll archive them for another time. And don’t forget the Kollar Chocolates! They are artisan masterpieces in their own right.




Love this house…he’s visually attractive too!

Patrick and Jillian Dempsey’s Malibu living room. My favorite room in their Frank Gehry designed home is the kitchen of course….and then I love the outside dining area, swimming pool and gardens.


Winter Fatigue?

After reading Alison’s article for Houzz, I remembered that comfort really can be simplistically achieved. What I most enjoy about the Holidays is the beautiful lighting that the yard and house take on with the Christmas decorating. So this year I did keep the little outdoor lights in the garden over the the patio and each evening when I turn them on it warms the outside with just a twinkle. So when we sit down at the Family table to share the rigors of the day the time is brightened by those outside lights, relighting the warmth of memories when we all were together at the end of the year.
Her other 5 suggestions I also follow, she hit the nail on the head on these. Cleaning is always gratifying, once you have finished! I have to admit I start with an hour of reading for motivation as well. Couldn’t survive without a throw, so I have a few in the house. A good run in the rain clears the cobwebs. Lastly a nice cup of tea and a warm tub is always relaxing if we can steal away those moments without feeling guilty; they are reinvigorating.  Downtime is as important as up-time. Its always been difficult for me to remember the healing qualities of stop and relax.
Below is the link to her article, the pictures she uses are wonderful, especially the tub!