Trust – A valuable format by us for us!

trust : business man hand made trust word buttons on green grass meadow

Trust is a valued exchange. It is both an emotional and logical act.

Emotional because you rely on the truthfulness of someones response, exposing vulnerability. Logical in that you assess the reliability of your source from past performance data. For instance, what happened the last time I listened to this person!

The basis for all business as well as individual relationships is a format of exchange. Reciprocity…it’s what binds us together. No one or company can live in a vacuum. Or you can, but your growth will be limited. Interactions are what propel us to learn, to develop and to grow and prosper. I’ll provide you with information and in return you give me your trust. Both parties benefit from a mutual understanding of exchange… and in the future when you need something I’ll reciprocate.

For an Individual we rely on others throughout our day. We interact by bouncing ideas off of each other, we share experiences to benefit those we embrace. We cultivate relationships to share the joys of family and to develop the friendships that become more valuable in our lives over time and through trust.

Businesses interact with suppliers, information providers, consumers and employees to provide a product or service. If they maximize their trust and reliability with their associates these relationships return optimal benefits and profits. These are then passed on to their consumers, employees and their suppliers in return. Everyone that participates benefits from a company’s success; as long as there is trust and sharing. I’ll take you on this ride with me if you help me get there…and in so doing…when we reach our goal… trust me to share the rewards. Intent and offering.

Trust is the act of receiving information from a reliable source based on the relationship and bond that has been mutually established. Emotion and Logic.

According to the ISSP, the International Social Survey Programme, the more equality there is perceived between people, in other words the more they share a sense of common purpose, the higher the levels of trust between them. The good news for the future….recent levels of trust are growing.

The speed of our network of sharing has increased so exponentially that the transference of knowledge through communication is almost limitless. With information passing between us as instantaneously as it is we are able to produce at a much quicker, accomplished, profitable and efficient manner. As long as the information is from a trusted and reliable source.

For instance, you need to find a Nanny, asap. But you aren’t going to just ask anyone for a referral, you need a reliable recommendation. The Nanny will in essence be taking care of your children, he or she has to be totally trustworthy. You need a second pair of hands to get everything done you need to do in order to be productive. But you don’t have the time to scour the internet or interview scads of possible candidates. So what do you do? You turn to a trusted source where you can reliably and efficiently produce your goal. Hire the perfect Nanny! Trust and Logic prevail in this format of networked sharing with your selected group to produce the perfect set of hands to help you with your life.

This format of trust is virtually limitless and incredibly efficient all at the same time. What more could you ask for?