Classic Gardens Reinvented


In contrast from my previous post where we featured the serenity created by a smaller urban garden, the principals of  Classic gardens have their origin in Ancient history epitomized in French formality.  Originally associated with vast, estate acreage they were defined by clean geometry, symmetry, balanced proportions and crisp lines. Not unlike the principals of the smaller yards. Featured here are selections I thought epitomized the classic designs of the past adapted for our American home sites. Whether you use traditional or sustainable plantings, ornate stone walls or rustic fences the visual success and enjoyment of a yard is all found in the symmetry and fluidity of the design. The Greeks used a measurement called “the Golden Triangle” to create a unique proportion in the designs and architecture of both their gardens and buildings. The Golden Triangle whose numeric value is called “phi”, named for the Greek sculptor Phidias produces a taller triangle and thought to be more elegant and architecturally more appealing to the eye. This method of design is still transforming our landscaping of today.


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